Thursday, 9 January 2020

CY8ER - Renai Reality Shou (恋愛リアリティー症) Romaji & English Lyrics

Image result for cy8er ヤスタカ"
The new CY8ER album contains a fun collab with Perfume/Kyary producer Yasutaka Nakata! It's called RENAI REALITY SHOU or LOVE REALITY SYNDROME.
Personally I have a soft spot for new song "The Next Door" so I'll post a translation for that next 💖

But first, here's a translation (and romaji) for the big YSTK song! I could have made these some really high-effort localised lyrics but I felt like for the sake of the song, in this case it's better to leave as is. However there are some fun notes that I'd recommend you read beforehand.

Have fun 🐰